How to get UR cards in Obey Me Nightbringer | Pity system you must know


Originally, I wrote this a year ago for Obey Me – One Master to rule them all. Now, I have updated this article for Obey Me Nightbringer. The tactic taught here works in both games.

Every single Obey Me player WANTS those gorgeous and powerful Obey Me UR cards. Many players think that it is necessary to purchase the VIP subscription to get extra Demon Vouchers and Demon Points which they can use to summon more cards at the Nightmares – and hopefully get Obey Me UR cards. FTP players always complain that the devs are being harsh to them but that’s really not the case. Allow me to explain.

How to get UR cards in Obey me

This 5-minute article will show you how to get UR cards in Obey Me Nightbringer easily without spending a penny!

It explains how to get UR and UR+ cards by calculating a card’s odd rates and using Grimms to increase your chances of getting said card. This method can be applied to any gacha game that shows the odds of their cards.

TLDR – How to get UR cards in Obey Me Nightbringer

How to get UR cards in Obey Me Nightbringer

First, you need to know the card’s probability or odd rates. Most gacha games display these numbers in the menu somewhere. To view the UR card’s rate in Obey Me Nightbringer, visit the nightmare where the UR cards are and tap the little button with “Rewards” written on it. It is located in the left corner of the screen. A window will pop up, and the “Odds” button is seen down in the left corner.
Generally, the probability rates for UR and UR+ cards in most nightmares are 1.50%.

Obey Me Summoning Odds

In Nightmare Chapter A, most UR cards have 0.25%, and in Chapter M, the UR Memory cards are 0.42% as seen below.

Summoning odds in Obey Me

Take the odd rates of a UR card and calculate how many pulls increase its probability to 90%. We will take the regular event Nightmare rates – which is 1.50% and calculate with this chance calculator.

How many pulls are required to increase 1.50% to 90%? The answer is 153 single card pulls.
One pull is one time. Most of us do the 10× pulls. So divide 153 by 10, and you’ll get 15 times. This means you have to do the 10x pulls 15 times.

These 15 summons should be done using Grimms in Chapter G to increase the probability to 90%, then go to the Nightmare where the UR card is and summon 20 or 30 times with either Demon Vouchers or Demon Points. (Summoning 10x pulls) You should receive the UR card within 30 pulls.

Obey Me has a pity system, and this is how it works

Does Obey me have a pity system?
Obey Me UR cards

For example, let’s say you want this gorgeous Lucifer UR card, which is available in Chapter A in Nightmare of Obey Me Nightbringer. Its odds are 0.25%. You will need to calculate how many pulls are required to get that card. Use this gacha calculator to do the math.

It says 920 pulls. This means you will need to summon that many times to reach 90% of the chance. If you are pulling 10 times at once, then divide 920 by 10, it equals to 92 times.

Now that you know the numbers, jump to the next step.

Using Grimms to get UR cards

In the previous step, we found out the probability of a UR card. It said that 920 numbers of pulls are needed to increase the odd rates of that Lucifer UR card. The point is, you have to do the 920 pulls with Grims in chapter G. This increases the chance of you getting the UR+ in Chapter A.

After you do the 920 pulls with grims in chapter G, pull extra 20 or 30 times with Demon Vouchers or DPs in the nightmare where the card is located, in this case, Chapter A (10X pulls, not the single once. Hence 20 or 30 times.) Which means only twenty or thirty Demon Vouchers are required to get the UR card.

You don’t have to do ALL pulls in the nightmare that has the card while spending only Demon Vouchers. You can do the first 920 number of pulls in the “G” nightmare using in-game Grims. It still counts, and the probability increases. The last 20 or 30 pulls must be done in the nightmare that has the card you want using Demon Vouchers, and you are guaranteed to get a UR or UR+ in the first 2 or 3 summons, There is no need to use hundreds of demon vouchers or spend real money on said Demon Vouchers.

Once you get the UR cards, the cycle restarts, and you will not get any more UR cards unless you increase your chances again by Summoning in Chapter G.
So, on average, you are guaranteed to get a UR card in Obey Me events after every 150-180 single pulls because their average odd rates are usually 1.50

Free pulls also count and increase your chances.

How to get Moving cards in Obey Me Nightbringer?

Use the method in this article to get Moving cards as well. This works on all high-ranking cards in OM, including SSR cards, Memory cards and Moving cards.

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Note that this method does not guarantee WHICH UR or UR+ plus card you will get. If there are two UR cards in a nightmare, one is Mammon, and the other is Asmodeus. You will get either one of them without choosing.
Sometimes, you will get more than one UR card, especially during occasions such as Happy Devil Day event (HDD). Like, during the previous Obey Me game, I managed to get three UR and two UR+ cards.

I hope you will use this method and save yourself from grief. I mean, Obey Me fans literally get depressed over those cards, and I think it’s not OK. So, I wanted to help out. Everyone deserves a wonderful UR card in Obey Me!

If you’re confused, write up in the comments, and I’ll answer. Also, read my other blog posts where I show how to get Demon Vouchers and Demon points in Obey Me. 

Oh, and Obey Me Nightbringer has another technique for getting UR cards through Ruri Tunes – read it here. This one is a little more manual than brainy. 

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